
Promisify request


promisify request

I searched here and there and ended up request no finding regarding putAsync method of promisified promisify by bluebird. Above is the code snippet that is in my program. And it does not send put request. While using postAsync, promisify will send post request request. I already request the part where is wrong in the putAsync code promisify. I should use json not body as the key for the payload. And the payload does not need to be stringified. Here is the new code snippet proven to work. And It's cool, There is no request, But because of some reason write-stream encoding non-supportedI have to change it to built-in module, "http". I think beneath codes are same to post some data to web-server, Request. This is quite tricky and result in my second question. Why promisify is such a difference between post and put other than their method type? Home Spring Mybatis Apache Android IOS Objective-c Bootstrap Promisify Angularjs Exception Tags. Request anyone help explain promisify Where are you promisify the put method or library that implements it? Thank you for your response to my question. I think I have request out the reason why I cannot send put request. I will post my answer here soon. How can I get the http request headers actually sent by me in node. promisify request

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