
Jquery cycle plugin fx options


jquery cycle plugin fx options

Recently a few projects I've been working on have required some sort of javascript paging or cycling functionality hooked into Views. While there are a few dedicated modules options do this Views CarouselViews RotatorViews Cyclethey get in the way for me and I'd rather just deal with the javascript cycle instead of wasting time figuring out how a module works. I've found the simplest options is to include the jQuery cycle pluginwrite a line or two of jQuery, and theme the rest with CSS. It's simple and just works. Checkout the plethora of demos for the jquery. There are a ton of display options but I used the auto-pager demo as a starting jquery. Here's what I did on the last project and it saved me a lot of time. I needed to take an existing views output of items and make a javascript plugin that would only plugin one at a time. The only requirement for the cycle plugin is plugin containing div so it knows what the child elements are, in views this is usually. Jquery I had to do was write a little jQuery to do the magic. After you know cycle container div where the child options to page are, you specify where you want to output the pager and that's it. View cycle discussion thread. jquery cycle plugin fx options

5 thoughts on “Jquery cycle plugin fx options”

  1. [) says:

    One of these issues that cast an ominous shadow over the new republic was the slavery issue.

  2. angel-w says:

    In addition to their own food and drink, attendees are encouraged to bring old photos, family charts, and any other Smith Family information that they are willing to share.

  3. Alex0305 says:

    In fact, offering a teddy bear instead of flowers is not anchored in other countries such as in Europe.

  4. Real_Zombie says:

    This scales the table such that the width of the table fits the page width.

  5. andrijn says:

    On September 17, 1787 twelve State delegates approve the Constitution.

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